Why do some colleges have higher rates of graduation than others? What is their secret?
If you are serious about getting a degree, then go to a college that has a good number of graduates. A college that screens its possible students to find the best among the rest. After all, a college degree is your ultimate goal and you can only achieve it if you graduate.
Here are the traits you need to take into consideration when choosing a good college or university.
- Quality of the College: Colleges do not make it to the list of top schools for nothing. It means they are doing something right with their curriculum, teaching methods, choice of professors, etc.
Read reviews and comments about your preferred school. You can check out the list of the best colleges we have here.

- Qualifying Exam or Screening: Colleges require entrance examinations to evaluate candidates and screen out the undeserving or low performers.
Those who pass are the ones who are most prepared to face the challenges of a college course, and are ready to hurdle any obstacles to earn their coveted degree.
Quality students mean higher graduation rate for colleges.
- Outstanding Curriculum: Experts say a high graduation rate is not always an indication of a good college or university. It is likely that some colleges have high rates because they have a very easy curriculum as compared with other colleges. So, before deciding on a college to attend, check the course curriculum and see if it contains all the necessary subjects you need to learn and trainings that you need to undergo.
- Teacher to Student Ratio: The National Center for Educational Statistics said 18 students is the ideal number for every class, or an 18 to 1 ratio. Studies also recommend smaller classes so a student can learn better.
So, knowing how many students are accepted in each class is important. The smaller the group, the better.
When the class is small, a student is able to familiarize himself/herself with the other students making him/her comfortable and able to ask questions and join discussions on various subject matters. It will encourage him/her to participate and stand out in class.

A professor will also be spared the stress of a big class. He will also get to know the students better, and will know how to handle each one depending on the student’s learning ability.
- Student Financial Aid: If you have the finances to pay for college tuition, good for you. Some students would need to work on a part-time basis to cope with college expenses.
So, if you’re a student who doesn’t have sufficient college funding, look for a college that provides financial aid. Financial aid can hugely help you pay for tuition so you don’t extend your education, and you can graduate on time.
Colleges usually give out information on the number of students they help each year with financial aid, and how much they provide. Read through it to get a good idea.